What is Teno-em PrEP?
Teno-em is the pre-exposure phrophylaxis (PrEP) drug that is WHO approved in Thailand. It is the local generic PrEP medication in Thailand for the antiviral drug tenofovir. It is taken before HIV exposure and can prevent the person taking it from getting HIV from a HIV positive exposure event. In the 1990s the HIV/AIDs prevalence in Thailand has meant that the country has pioneered world efforts to reducing the incidence rate of HIV, and the affordable availability of PrEP Teno-em drug for HIV prevention in Thailand has been a key factor.
How does PrEP work?
Teno-em PrEP works by stopping the HIV virus from multiplying within the body. It is highly effective and has been approved by the WHO and Thai FDA. According to the US CDC PrEP medication lowers the risk of contracting HIV by 99%, so it is very effective indeed and easy to see why in Thailand the generic alternative Teno-em is so available on prescription.
How is Teno-em taken?
Teno-em as a PrEP medication will be prescribed by your doctor if you believe you are at risk of exposing yourself to HIV. Teno-em is taken in the form of a pill, once per day. For Teno-em PrEP to be most effective and give you protection it should be taken for one week before you receive its full benefits. For this reason it is very convenient for patients to start and maintain by themselves by taking one pill per day for as long as they wish to maintain the protection. Prior to starting PrEP and usually every few months while taking the medicine you should get an HIV test to ensure you are still negative.
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